Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar provide opportunities within clean energy. Our focus is on storage systems that will allow us to harness, save, and use it effectively.

What are the

Clean energy innovation is evolving at a rapid pace, however, it is not without challenges. From reliability to grid integration, solutions to distribute and store energy are required.



Unlike fossil fuels that can generate power continuously, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are intermittent.

Storage Capacity

Storage Capacity

While battery technology has advanced significantly, large-scale, cost-effective storage solutions are required.

Grid Integration

Grid Integration

Existing electrical grids were designed around centralized power generation. In order to integrate renewable and distributed energy sources, enhancing of existing grids is required.



Further innovations are needed to make renewable energy more reliable, efficient and cost effective.

What are the

Decarbonizing the power system

While there are boundless opportunities within energy storage, FutureProof mainly focuses on advanced battery technologies (BESS) such as lithium-ion, solid state, and flow batteries that can store excess energy during periods of high energy generation and release it when needed.

We also invest in smart grids and technologies that can allow for better prediction of renewable energy supply, real-time monitoring, and more efficient distribution.

Our companies

FutureProof is developing companies within clean energy and energy storage. The current companies within our portfolio are listed below.

TransGrid has developed a portfolio of utility-scale standalone BESS projects that are in advanced development phase with a total aggregated capacity of over 5.0GWh with a near-term target COD schedule.

TransGrid Logo

Energy Storage Systems

Acquisition date:


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our sector experts

To learn more about how FutureProof is working within Energy Storage Solutions, please get in touch with our sector experts using the contact form below.

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Our Office

280 Park Ave, 23rd FL East,
New York, NY 10017, United States

HFP Ventures

Through our corporate venture investment arm, HFP Ventures, we source and invest in frontier technology startups that are driving transformational change.
